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Monday, October 2, 2017

Slimy Lettuce and My Sloppy Green Shirt

                Do you ever get on a health kick? You know, when you must honestly admit that you’ve had one too many French Fries lately, that diet cola really isn’t a great choice compared to the sugared stuff, or that you’ve had a small mountain of those shiny foil-wrapped chocolates for the endorphins (Even if they are dark chocolate, you know it doesn’t justify the extravagance.  Oh, please, I’ve claimed endorphins, too).
                What do I do? I go to the store and load up on all that beautiful produce with lofty ideas of magnificent smorgasbords of health prepared for each meal. Lettuce for salads, of course. Salads are the epitome of healthiness. If you’re stocking up, get that big tub of lettuce. Smorgasbords need the big size of everything. Before you know it, that tub’s in my cart. Do you do that, too? Or am I alone in this quest for balance between fries and optimal health?
                Right from the beginning let me be clear. There are no smorgasbords at our house. That’s fantasy. But we do have a couple good salads until demands shove other salads and some of the veggies out of the way. Then when I find the that big tub of lettuce, I discover something, and not for the first time. The lettuce around the sides of that tub look good, but there are some slimy leaves in the center. From there is a race to see which takes over faster: the slime or my disinterest in sorting through the lettuce to separate the good from the bad. What I eventually do is give up on the tub and lettuce in general for a while.
                Recently I spoke with someone about clothes shopping. She said to me, “Did you ever buy something that really didn’t fit that well, or you didn’t like that much, but you just wanted to buy something?”
                Ouch! Yes. Instantly my green shirt came to mind. I was feeling old and rather insecure that shopping day. And I was sure those new shirts (it wasn’t just the green one that I bought) were going to make me look younger and, therefore, make me feel more secure. Wrong!
                When I got home, I realized the green shirt didn’t even fit me that well. It was too big.  It’s now reserved for sloppy days at home. I got some compliments on the others that I wore and still wear, but they didn’t take a single year off my life or make me feel any more secure.
                By now you’re probably asking: “What does that slimy tub of lettuce have to do with your clothes shopping?” Both are about an internal problem. That tub of lettuce looked great on the outside—I checked—and I had a heart problem the day I shopped for clothes.
                Now, slimy lettuce is just slimy lettuce, and I don’t have a lot of suggestions for it except compost. But my heart needed a solution that day, and for my heart there was and is one. Jesus and the truth he teaches me about who I am fill that hole every time. Whenever I’m off balance and not living up to who I was made to be, I have a heart problem that’s only solved in returning to him for my identity. The knowledge that he loves me however old I am and even if I’m wearing a gunnysack was truth I neglected the day I shopped to fill in the hole in my heart. And no amount of clothing I stuffed in a bag was enough to fill the hole in my heart.

                What’s your hole? Is it being filled by Jesus? Whatever it is, he can take care of it.

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